As a business owner, you ought to focus on growing and scaling your business. Your real job ought to be to focus on scaling the business and solving the business problems, while you employ people with the right skillsets to design and market your website. Closing the sale and maintaining client relationship should be your main area of focus. For example, orchestrating the web design and SEO for your site could be your responsibility but actually carrying out the web design or conducting an end-to-end SEO is probably not.
Role Of Web Design Company
The web design company will focus on creating your website with great look and feel. It will look at the site layout, page structure and content frame management. The job of the agency managing the web design is not to provide you with the actual content – that will be the job of the content provider, who may also help get SEO-friendly content.
Role Of Search Engine Optimization Company
The search engine optimization company will help you SEO the web properties that you have built (such as the websites and the Web 2.0 pages). They will improve some of your web design factors such as the page title and URL structures so that it becomes more amenable towards the search engine robots. And in addition to the one-page SEO, they will carry out other search engine optimization activities (including for Google organic search) so that your page is also optimized on the off-site aspect as well as the social signaling aspect.
SEO Web Tools
The SEO professionals from the agency will probably use a few tools on your website to ensure that the web SEO has been properly carried out. If not, they will recommend a set of changes. Some example tools are SEOPressor and Web Content Studio. A web design, SEO-driven to the best possible extent, will thus incorporate multiple complex factors stemming from a set of different schools of specializations.
SEO-driven web design is not a difficult ask. You can get your web design and SEO services companies to come together and act in collaboration, while you manage the show. The process needs some orchestration but if carried out successfully, your clients will enjoy a beautiful website (yours) that will pop out right in front of their eyes when they search for the target keywords on Google (thanks to your SEO). Combined, the commercial effect is remarkable and you will enjoy the fruits of organizing the whole orchestration for a long time to come.
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