The title of this blog post may sound a little weird. But the fact remains that in spite of an abundance of content and definitions, a number of newcomers struggle to understand the differences between SEO marketing and general form of SEM.


What Is SEO Marketing?

SEO marketing is about marketing your website using the organic search capacity of search engines. As the top SEO marketing companies will tell you, this is arguably the very best method to generate a long-term return on investment. On the other hand, SEM – search engine marketing – is a composition of SEO along with other ways to market a site on search engines such as paid listings and sponsoring top-ranked sites. However, these are not the classical forms of search based marketing.


How To Start Succeeding?

If you are doing marketing online, SEO services will make a significant difference to your overall search marketing campaign. The objective of a SEO marketing service is to take your website and optimize it for the search engines so that they start ranking on the top of the search engines for your chosen set of keywords.


Does It Work For Local Websites?

Many business owners selling products or services locally are at times apprehensive to do local SEO marketing. In my prolonged experience, I have seen two major concerns pertaining to this.


“Is my site difficult to rank locally? How would the search engine know where to rank it? I don’t want to rank in New York since I am selling my service in Seattle.” The answer to this is: it is usually not too difficult to rank a site locally. Any good SEO consultant will help you take steps and will by themselves also carry out steps that will rank you in your chosen geography. I have done it over and over again for almost a countless number of clients.


“Do people really look for my products/services online?” Again, it is almost child’s play for a top SEO marketing expert to figure this out and let you know. With appropriate knowledge, they will be able to give you a first-cut estimate in two minutes or lesser. In fact, if someone claims that it took them long hours to make this estimate, then it is an indicator of either the consultants not knowing their job well enough or a case of plain and simple untruthfulness. None of the two is welcome.


In fact, it is among the top SEO marketing myths that local SEO marketing does not work. It works wonders. Just find out how successful all your competitors taking to this strategy have been, and you will be amazed at the effectiveness of this approach.

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