
If you have ever wondered about the reason that so many business owners today tend to run around to catch what they call the “very best Google SEO consultant around”, then reading this blog post will help you understand it all. A high-quality SEO consultant can provide you with a significant value addition to your business, and will impart positive outcomes on your top and bottom lines.


Run The SEO process

To begin with, it is important to optimize your website for search engines because as multiple studies have found, practically 92% of the total market share of search-based online commerce is from the first page of Google search results. And also, most of the people run an online search – mostly on Google – before they choose their product or service. So clearly, appearing on the first page of Google for such search strings is one of the best things that could happen to your business.


As countless clients of my SEO services have found out and reported to me, their revenues increased often enough by more than ten times because they started ranking on the first page of Google. That’s exciting and rewarding. But of course, you need to run SEO for Google if you want to achieve such great results before you can start enjoying the rich rewards.


Run Other Associated Processes If Necessary

Many other processes are necessary to rank for certain kinds of keywords. For example, if you own a physical business and want to rank your site well on Google, then you would look for Google Places SEO services also. This will help you put an authoritative stamp from Google about your business, and you will receive great ranks faster than you would ever gain otherwise.


Bear The Tool Expenses

Optimizing well for the search engines require a number of tools. These tools are wide in range and variety. This includes tools of all types, such as for measuring content keyword densities, content styling, presence and nature of factors like LSI, backlink building tools, social networking and bookmarking tools, video and article content management tools, competition analysis tools, tools to reverse-engineer the SEO efforts of your competitors, rank tracking and so on. There is a plethora of Google SEO tools that are expensive upfront and require ongoing maintenance. Your Google SEO consultant will also maintain these tool expenses. Since the expenses of the vendor will be rationally shared across multiple clients it will become a lot cheaper for you.



As you see, a good-quality Google SEO consultant will provide you with a lot of expertise and reduce a lot of cost at your end. Plus, the effort will translate to business. So unless you know SEO inside out and plan to bear the high expenses, you always ought to hire a consultant rather than planning and executing the campaigns all by yourself.

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