Images speak more than words and that is why pictures are very essential in creating a web design. Use of Photoshop in website designs is very easy and convenient as it renders perfect results. The usage of Photoshop or any other image processing software is not only easy but also very interesting to use and consumes less time. While using Photoshop for your website design make sure you follow certain tips so that your website turns out to be user friendly. Always use 1000 pixels width or less for your website so that your visitors do not end up scrolling here and there to get a complete view of your website. Images take a lot of time to load. To avoid this problem, always save your image file in an appropriate format. You can use save for web option instead of save as option as it takes less space and loads quickly. You can also use grid systems, crisp vectors, sharpen photos, use pen tools and do much more using Photoshop. There are also certain features that allow you to design directly in the web browser. This is a very easy feature as you get a clear idea of what looks best in your browser and design accordingly.

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