111, 2014

Search Marketing Journal Part 5: Putting The Whole Process Together

In six of my previous blog posts, I have gone into the depths of how to establish an online business, going through the appropriate steps and with the help of necessary search marketing agencies, with a fat turnaround and consistently flowing revenue founded on solid fundamental practices. The SEO based Internet Marketing approach holds true for both global and local SEO marketing. I shall wrap up the mini-series in this post and the next one [...]

3110, 2014

If I Don’t Know My Website and Niche, How Can a Search Engine Consultant Know About It?

In my rather long career as a search engine optimization consultant and owner of a (thankfully successful, touchwood) SEO company, I have come across a number of situations that many “ordinary” people cannot even imagine. One extreme example is a class of webmasters who almost refuse to believe that a consultant SEO could ever know anything more about their website’s traffic compared to them.   And then, I have to go into all the explanations [...]

3110, 2014

What Is SEO Marketing? Top SEO Marketing Myth Busted

The title of this blog post may sound a little weird. But the fact remains that in spite of an abundance of content and definitions, a number of newcomers struggle to understand the differences between SEO marketing and general form of SEM. What Is SEO Marketing? SEO marketing is about marketing your website using the organic search capacity of search engines. As the top SEO marketing companies will tell you, this is arguably the very [...]

3110, 2014

Search Engine Marketing Agencies Can Radically Transform Your Business Health

One of the most common trends of the American and European business owners, online and physical businesses alike, is to use the services of professional online marketing agencies to bring present services to their potential clients. Any successful business knows that the real key to sustained success is a flow of consistent and loyal clients. While loyalty is a factor that the business will take care of once they get their customers, the necessity of [...]

3110, 2014

The Three Biggest Mistakes Newbies Make While Selecting SEO Services Agencies

The very nature of SEO – time-taking but extremely fruitful and remunerative if done successfully – often drives business owners to choose SEO agencies that are not the best ones to select. In this blog post, I shall highlight three of the biggest mistakes that business owners make most frequently in their processing of selecting a SEO agency for their business. Ranking portfolio: It is critical that you make sure that you choose one of [...]

3010, 2014

SEO: Optimizing The Rank Of A Page On Google For Traffic

Search engine optimization is a great school of art with an extremely wide audience. In fact, studies show that for every ten websites built, almost nine have engaged in some sort of activity to improve their ranks on search engines like Google. Of course, with Google having only 10 slots on the first page, only 10 websites will be successful in getting the top ranks at any instant of time, for a given keyword. If [...]

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